Cpanel wordpress
Cpanel wordpress

Go and find out what is missing, and fix those. Next, look for any 404 errors that are popping up. Removing extra fonts from loading will improve your branding, as well as reduce the number of requests for your site to load. Your site should have a consistent brand and look, so this will accomplish several things. A lot of times themes or plugins load multiple themes. Going off the GTMetrix waterfall view or the Pingdom File requests view, the first thing I look for is how many fonts are being loaded. I was already familiar with my own site, so the process didn’t take as long, but it generally takes anywhere from 2-6 hours to optimize a WordPress site before even getting to the server itself. This is what a typical graph will look like as I optimize a WordPress site, testing as I go. Or, do both and see how the different companies analyze your site, cause you’re just as particular as me. You can also use this to run automatic backups of the database. I ran an optimize command on a client’s site that had been running for several years without any maintenance and got the database size from around 90 megabytes to under 10. This plugin can automatically run an optimize and repair command every set amount of days – I do 3 days – and helps keeps database requests running smoothly. Over time, junk data accumulates in the database. I could totally see myself spending an hour trying to figure out why a plugin doesn’t work, only to realize its a setting here. There is an option to disable where it runs, but I kept it everywhere so future plugins or features aren’t affected. This plugin lets you change the frequency to every 60 seconds. WordPress has an API that autosaves drafts which by default goes every 15 seconds. This is so I can work on posts and upload images faster, and I know when my wp_cron (will get to this soon) runs every hour, the images will be optimized. The only settings I usually touch on this plugin are Deferred Optimization and I use a bit more intense optimization levels. This means your assets will load much faster. Optimizes all of your images and PDFs into the smallest size possible without sacrificing quality. For everyone else, these are the only options you’ll need, and this is what will display in the source code:

#Cpanel wordpress pro#

This is a common pro feature across a lot of caching plugins. If you have users visiting your site whom are logging in, you’re going to need the Pro version. This is one of the best automatic non-configuration-required caching plugins I’ve found and used. With a Pull Zone setup, these are the ideal settings I’ve found for a WordPress site running SSL/HTTPS. I’ve bugged them multiple times with silly questions and their expertise has always proved worthwhile. The second being their support and speed were excellent. The first being a lot of plugins support integration with their API. I ended up with MaxCDN for several reasons. With a good web host selected, the next step is getting a content delivery network, or CDN setup.

cpanel wordpress

Running a VPS allows me to quickly scale on demand, as well as better manage backups and testing configurations. With the amount of sites and traffic I handle, I’m beyond the shared hosting spectrum. While these are not inherently bad, a lot of times web hosts overload the amount of customers on a single server, causing a slowdown for everyone.

cpanel wordpress

I’m ultra-picky and want the very best available for my budget. I use iWFHosting.Ī lot of people running WordPress website are going to be on what’s called “Shared Hosting” plans. The first step in WordPress optimization is choosing a good web host.As a web developer, I’ve used and been exposed to a huge variety of web hosts. If you’re reading this and realize its simply more than you feel comfortable taking on, or want to hire a WordPress optimization expert, send me a message for hire and I’d be more than happy to speed up your website! 2021 Speed Update:ĭisclaimer: This post includes affiliate links for some of the products mentioned, however, I am not being compensated to endorse any of the products. Begin your WordPress optimization from the top and begin measuring results! This post is formatted in a way which starts with the lowest hanging fruit and gets harder and more complex the farther down you read. Whether you are running a blog, enterprise site, or local business, ensuring your visitors and customers have a fast speed can make all the difference between someone who clicks away and someone who stays for a while.

cpanel wordpress

When sites are getting over 100,000 visitors per month, every millisecond counts. I spend a lot of time reading, thinking, and testing configurations to constantly improve the performance of my WordPress sites, as well as the server load. Running high traffic sites means WordPress optimization is crucial. This post has been updated for 2021 – read here: WordPress Optimization – A Comprehensive Guide

Cpanel wordpress