Fluenz german review
Fluenz german review


The bonus is that these stories include culture, which is a fun way to learn it.


If you choose to read aloud, the speech-recognition software will let you know what it heard you say correctly, and what it didn't understand.

fluenz german review fluenz german review

You can listen to a native speaker read the story to you or read the story on your own. Once you've got a little German under your belt, enjoy putting it all together by reading a short story. If you rely on translation as part of your learning style, you might want to check out some of our other highly recommended German language programs. If you can live without translation and can trust this tried and true method, you'll join the many fans of Rosetta Stone. You just have to do what you feel comfortable with. Neither the natural method or translation is right or wrong. Now that we have our first language, many of us have a hard time giving up translation, and we want to know all the words in the paragraph, and not figure only some of them out. The problem with the natural method is that when we learned our first language, we had nothing to base it on. When we don't understand something in real life, we often look at the cues around us, just like Rosetta Stone is asking us to do with their program. The company has heard this frustration, and they offer the suggestion to look at context cues in the photo, use the words you do understand to figure out the words you don't understand, and don't feel you have to understand every word to understand the concept: basically, don't lose the forest for the trees. As the lessons progress, and vocabulary words advance to vocabulary phrases, there isn't the option to get the translation. Since you may not be accustomed to the natural method, there are helps with translation as you first start. Rosetta Stone might be fine for you in the beginning. If you like translation, you may want to shop around You can hear the German word as many times as you like, and you can repeat it back. If the picture-sound meaning is confusing to you, you can click on an arrow that shows the English translation of the word. If you have been frustrated with traditional language learning methods and are not a fan of direct translation, give Rosetta Stone a try! Fans celebrate learning to speak right away and with a good accent since the technology offers native speaker voice recordings and immediate feedback on students' practice with speech.Įven in your first lesson with Rosetta Stone, you'll get to speak German! You'll hear a German word associated with a picture representing that word: the natural method all the way. Just as we learned our first language the natural way, by associating sounds with images to create meaning, that's the tried and true method of Rosetta Stone. Allen felt he, too, had broken the language code, so to say.


Allen and his brother then created the Rosetta Stone language-learning method, named after the artifact that broke the code for understanding the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

fluenz german review

He knew he had already learned his native language, so why couldn't he learn another? It was the methodology! His thought: we have all learned at least one language, how did we do that? We learned with sounds and images in their context, and there was no word-for-word translation in the process. First, you'll select the level at which you want to begin, and then you choose a subject area: German for work, travel, communication with family, or just German lessons in general? Rosetta Stone has courses for individuals, businesses, and schools.Īllen Stoltzfus, the founder, had a tough time learning Russian through traditional methods. They have lessons for beginners, intermediate learners, and those who want to hone their skills. There are lessons for 43 languages, including German. Right away, you will begin to read, write, listen and speak German, and you can work on your pronunciation so you can be sure people will understand you. In fact, when other language courses are mentioned, people often wonder if it's as good as Rosetta Stone, whether or not they have actually tried it! Rosetta Stone has longevity and reputation on its side. Rosetta Stone is one of the biggest trademarks in language learning.

  • Most recognized language-learning program.
  • Option for short-term or lifetime subscription.

  • Fluenz german review